and control over a task-organized force , which executes military operations . A LCC coordinates tactical activities with other components of the multinational joint task force at the operational level . The subordinate land forces of the LCC are task organized and execute the operations .
A JTF HQ ( L ) is a deployable joint command and control capability at the operational level to conduct a land heavy small joint operation ( SJO ( L )) and is responsible for integrating the effects of multiple components and agencies . As such , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps , as JTF HQ ( L ), is responsible for coordinating and synchronizing the contributions of Maritime , Air , and Special Forces components as well as that of the ground component . Next to the typical war fighting functions , a JTF HQ ( L ) must also be able to conduct tasks , such as key leader engagement , strategic communications , coordinating joint fires , targeting and with its own Joint Logistic Support Group Headquarters ( JLSG HQ ) to receive the incoming force and to sustain it . This JTF HQ ( L ) role is significantly different in that the commander and staff are responsible for integrating capabilities with which they were not familiar at the tactical level .
Not to be overlooked is the differing perspective required for each of these formations and the requirements for interoperability . The latter is one of the important reasons why 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps established , as one of the first headquarters , a strategic partnership with NATO ’ s Communications and Information Agency to improve interoperability . It was also the reason 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps embraced NATO 1st Solution , which promotes interoperability through seamless integration with existing NATO capabilities , providing a cost-effective solution with reduced complexity . Differences exist beyond the hierarchy of formations but also in the nature of the operations that the headquarters will carry out . In both the traditional Corps and LCC roles , the headquarters focuses on the tactical level , albeit at the highest echelon , where it is concerned with the execution of battles and engagements to achieve military objectives . As the JTF
HQ ( L ), a headquarters is elevated to planning and executing at the operational level where it is concerned with the arrangement of military operations in pursuit of strategic objectives . Although a JTF HQ ( L ) operates at the operational level , NATO has maximized the efficiency of these headquarters by developing an ‘ integrated model ’ in accordance with which a JTF HQ ( L ) serves as both the joint force headquarters as well as the LCC . Being familiar with its tactical , land-centric responsibilities , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps is preparing to assume the role of JTF HQ ( L ) faces two primary challenges : integrating joint capabilities and raising its focus to the operational level . These overarching requirements include a number of component issues that 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps had to address as it looked forward to having to assume JTF HQ ( L ) standby status in July 2017 .
1 ( GE / NL ) Corps as part of the NATO Force Structure
The headquarters of 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps is part of the NFS and is one out of nine NATO ’ s High Readiness Force ( Land ) Headquarters . 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps was established on 30 August 1995 in Münster , Germany , when 1 German Corps and 1 Netherlands Corps merged . In 1997 Germany and The Netherlands signed the Corps Convention and the Corps Agreement . The two nations are now officially committed to share the responsibilities for the bi-national Corps framework on an equal basis .
Over a period of 21 years 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps developed from a bi-national corps in 1995 into a multinational High Readiness Forces ( Land ) Headquarters which deployed three times , was three times on standby as part of the NRF and also conducted the test bed for the interim VJTF . The Corps grew from two to currently twelve nations : Belgium , Czech Republic , France , Germany , Greece , Italy , Netherlands , Norway , Spain , Turkey , United Kingdom and United States and most of its members have been deployed at least once . Although it can be a challenge to fulfil three different roles at the tactical as well as the operational level with twelve different nations , the main advantage of 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps is that multinationality enriched 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps in all its roles . The ability to conduct multiple roles with a diversity of nations and personnel provides Germany and the Netherlands , as the two framework nations , a flexible , adaptive and highly deployable 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps . This is especially important at times when our security situation is in decline and the future impossible to predict .
Two distinctive characteristics of 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps
Although 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps fulfils the same tasks as the other HRF ( L ) HQ ’ s and although there is close cooperation with these headquarters , especially with Rapid Reaction Corps France ( RRC FRA ), there are two characteristics that make 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps a uniquely capable command and control platform . The first characteristic is deepened integration , which means that 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps is built on the firm basis of international military cooperation between the two strong framework nations . Germany and the Netherlands have taken international military cooperation a step further by integrating military capabilities . Personnel from multiple framework nations compose two-thirds of 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps staff . In addition , both supporting battalions , the Staff Support Battalion as well as the Communications and Information Systems Battalion are fully integrated bi-national units .
The second element that makes 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps distinct is the way 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps has operationalized the comprehensive approach which is the centrepiece of our planning and execution during exercises and operations . Whether 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps plans or conducts crisis response or war fighting operations , it always emphasizes a comprehensive approach . 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps deliberately and constantly invests in this comprehensive , whole-of-society network as shown during the Common Effort exercises . This led in 2015 to an event during which 24 international , governmental and non-governmental organisations of the Common Effort Community signed a cooperation state-