LANDCOM CIS Mobile Training Team Visit To Serbia

Photo From Personnel Participating in the Event

On October 3 , 2016 , three NATO staff personnel travelled to Belgrade , Serbia . The purpose of the visit was to present training on NATO Communication and Information Systems ( CIS ) to Serbian Army CIS Staff . As part of the Operational Concept Capability ( OCC ) programme and a Partnership for Peace ( PfP ) Nation , the Serbian Army requested a training package on NATO CIS to enhance their clarity and understanding of NATO CIS policy , doctrine , practises and capabilities . The additional desired effect was to present a clear STRATCOM message to Serbia . As part of the OCC programme and a PfP Nation , NATO is committed to supporting Serbia to ensure interoperability for future joint military activities , reinforcing their understanding of NATO ’ s capacity and structure and develop interoperability .

The relationship of NATO and Serbia has been tested over the last couple of decades since NATO bombings on Belgrade in 1993 . The physical evidence of the damaged caused is clear to be seen , however the psychological affect is more transparent . The Serbian general population are very welcoming and the Serbian Army ’ s interest and proactivity towards the OCC programme is commendable . The events of 1993 are still very much in the memories of the current generation and personal accounts are readily told expressing views , experiences and opinions of the times back in the early 1990 ’ s . With this is mind , the hospitality and welcome shown to the MTT upon arrival in Serbia , demonstrates the change in Serbian Army interests . The enthusiasm , from the Serbian Army students to gain knowledge of the NATO policy , doctrine and practises was highly encouraging , especially as their enquiries were specifically focussed on how the Serbian Army could integrate with NATO to operate alongside in the future . The events of 1993 are considered by the Serbian people to be in the past as the Serbian Nation moves on to the future , but still not forgotten .
The Serbian Army ’ s desire to operate in a multinational environment was demonstrated by their invitation to other PfP Nations to join this NATO CIS MTT course , held in Belgrade . The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia * , Bosnia and Azerbaijan accepted this invitation , sending a representative student from each nation . These students exhibited extreme interest and participated fully within the event . This emphasised the effectiveness , interest and recognised value of the MTT and OCC programme across the PfP Nations .
The NATO specific Land Command topics presented to the students were :
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