2022 from the
June 2019 , my predecessor , CWO
IN Steve Rice , asked me to “ leave it better than I found it ”. This was a monumental task since I received a team poised for greatness and hungry for the challenge that lay ahead almost three years ago . Looking back to those early days at LANDCOM , It ' s hard to imagine we were just beginning to navigate NATO Command Structure Adaptation ( NCSA ), the duties and responsibilities of Multi Corps Land Component Command , and experimentation and evaluation of the first War Fighting Corps in decades was yet to take place . Now , three years later in 2022 , and despite COVID complications , LANDCOM persevered ; surpassing previous years of training and exercise tempo by conducting ( for the first time ) three simultaneous Combat Readiness Evaluations ( CREVALs ) including our 2nd WAR Fighting Corps evaluation for NRDC Spain .
CREVALS have evolved due to the professionalism of LANDCOM . In the pursuit of excellence and relevance , it continues to adapt . One of the most promising developments is the current evolution of inclusive joint service and gender-diverse NCO and officer evaluation teams . These teams are now performing this crucial piece of readiness verification ; modelling the expectations for the future of NATO Land Forces collaboration . This deliberate and common-sense “ coach , mentor , train and assist ” methodology has , in my opinion , put us on the glide path to dominance in the Corps Warfighting business ; strengthening the alliance ’ s unity .
Winning teams should lean in to their next challenge vice happily standing at a podium revelling and resting in their past successes .
The thing that ensures winning teams keep winning , is constantly moving the bar higher , and never feeling satisfied with past achievements .
Historically , the best teams are those composed of members that support each other , train as hard as they fight , and then go back to mentor the organization to win again .
Complacency has no place in competition . This team , this Alliance , is the strongest fighting force on the planet , and we are dedicated to ensuring the protection of our nations ' sacred rights and freedoms . Our goal therefore needs to be building and maintaining a cohesive and collaborative offence , defence , and special teams that wakes up every day ready to defend those freedoms .
In my final message for NATO Land Power , I want to say thank you . Thank you for the incredible adventure and extraordinary professionalism I have witnessed in the last three years . I very much appreciate the extreme privilege of being the Command Senior Enlisted Leader for NATO ’ s Land Forces . An opportunity that has been one of the most humbling and gratifying responsibilities in my career thus far .
To all the soldiers in the NATO Force Structure ( NFS ) that I represent : I trust you will continue to pave the way for change and continued greatness .
We NCO ’ s of NATO benefit from the historical greatness of warriors which , as a result of their reputation , have facilitated our progress in employment and opportunity . For the Allied Land forces , I feel Sergeants Major , Senior NCO ’ s and enlisted teammates allocate more time to work on necessary change , and less time on working groups to study how to implement those changes . It is my belief that NATO ’ s Land Forces are stronger , faster and more agile today thanks to the LANDCOM teams of past and present . With our incredible young professionals , the plethora of references that describe the strategic guidelines for education , employment and competencies required for NATO NCO engagement , I feel we are well postured to forge continued success in support of our respective Commanders .
For the Soldier !
LANDCOM Command Senior Enlisted Leader