team accepted and trained 151 students in one shot . The Romanian education OPR bent over backward to educate the field , and building relationships with other G7 ’ s teams would pay off in the near future . disruptions . He and ACOS G7 coordinated and facilitated folks to support the CREVAL program , but in the end , all monitoring activities were adequately resourced and all National CREVALs were validated .
Now , how do you evaluate three Corps at the same time ? First , you build the infrastructure that starts with the LANDCOM OPR Teams . Five individuals were selected , two of which would only be able to begin the process before they rotated out of the HQ . Generally , the accepted procedure is to appoint both a primary and deputy OPR to provide depth and flexibility . But with a section of seven that would shrink to five after the summer , the decision was made to assign only one OPR per CREVAL . The three teams were composed primarily of LANDCOM personnel using a systematic approach that heavily relied on their divisional partners in the HQ . Starting first with the nominations of Evaluation Team Leaders and Area Leaders , then recruiting Subject Matter Experts , and finally filling holes with partners from the GRF ( L ) s and the rest of the community of interest . The team wasn ’ t perfect or 100 % resourced , but more than enough to deliver quality assessments on behalf of COM LANDCOM and SACEUR . In the end , the teams fielded over 150 evaluators to support the CREVAL of NRDC-ESP as the Warfighting Corp HQ , RRC-FRA as the NRF LCC , and MNC-NE as a Regional LCC . Each OPR perfectly orchestrated over 40 days of TDY for each team .
In 2022 , the team at LANDCOM is once again committed to moving to the goalpost and setting new higher standard goals for the CREVAL program . The team in partnership with their G / J7 colleagues from throughout the NATO land community , Centers of Excellence , Training Centers and representatives from National Evaluation Teams is set to reshape the foundation of the program in 2022 , principally through the revision of the AFS Vol VII . The intent is to create a standalone document that better integrates the new land forces requirements , OCC E & F program as well as the lessons learned . Since the release of the 2020 version of AFS vol . VII , LANDCOM has invited experts in evaluations to attend two to three workshops to help craft the new evaluation guide for NATO Land Forces . The Corps CREVALs in 2022 will also look a little different due to more than 55 % of each evaluation team being made up of augmenties external to LANDCOM . This goes far beyond the 30 % mutual support mandate laid out in AFS vol . VII . The purpose of this is twofold :
During the Corps CREVALs led by the LANDCOM Commander , the team experimented with an approach that evolved the way evaluations in the NATO Land Domain were conducted . The 2020 version of AFS Vol . VII opened the door by moving away from a “ check the block ” system to an assessment-based system . In 2021 , LANDCOM moved the ball even further afield by tying procedural performance to tactical outcomes ; ensuring the standards in AFS vol . VII not only guaranteed readiness and interoperability , but also manifested success in the exercise . As LGEN Cloutier often expressed to his evaluations teams “ Winning Matters .” Secondly , LANDCOM expanded the Field Evaluation phases from 96 hours to nine days , and added a Mid-Field Evaluation Review . The cumulative effect of these two procedures was the ability to draw more foundational / systematic conclusions about the Corps HQs while also allowing them to grow and learn in the process . Finally , the teams fully embraced the concept of Teaching , Coaching and Mentoring by climbing into the foxhole with the evaluated HQs and sharing best practices . The evaluation teams made themselves available and provided additional resources to help the evaluated organizations throughout the year .
Last but not least , the CREVAL monitoring program landed heavily on partners throughout the NATO land domain . In 2021 , CREVAL monitoring activities increased by almost 40 %. Never to shy away from a complex or difficult problem , the OPR from the US Marines Corps developed a regional resourcing strategy to mitigate potential COVID-related
1 ) Build the competencies learned in the Corps CREVALs throughout the Land Domain .
2 ) Bring in more diverse voices , experiences , and expertise to the highest level of NATO evaluations .
For the education program , the team is committed not only to continue executing as many courses as possible but also to enhance the quality of the course . Adding new resources , new lectures and better collaborative syndicate work to help increase the quality of potential evaluators . For the second year in a row , the monitoring program will rely mostly on the GRF ( L ) s and the target once again has increased . Lastly , 2022 will be the year of evaluation partnership . The goal is enhancing partnership with organizations operating in the NATO land domain , but also reaching out to other partners to see if there are more resources available to enhance how NATO evaluates land forces . Some partnerships the sections hope to build on in 2022 are with the training centers throughout NATO and beyond , interactions with national assets , and US Army Europe and Africa .
If you are interested in being an evaluator , monitoring a NATO evaluation , or taking part in the revision of the AFS vol . VII , please contact the LANDCOM G7 Evaluation Section . LC