on how long such an isolation from world markets can last . Accordingly , what Russia really seeks likely remains a stable economy and overall deterrence of the EU and NATO in pressing further East towards its borders . In short , although Nord Stream 2 and other pipeline projects with Europe are currently on hold with the invasion of Ukraine at hand , this conflict will not likely deter all future agreements pending the resolution of the crisis . To this effect , this has been indicated by comments made at the EU parliament in May 2022 regarding future normalization of the relationship with Russia post-Ukraine .
With the state of energy security now defined , the question therefore arises – what can NATO do about it ? Specifically , how can we as advocates and operators within the Land Domain address the situation towards fostering energy security and cooperative security ? The answer to be presented here , from a general perspective in preparation for such an energy-based conflict , is three-fold : via implication of energy security into our training structures , through participation in specific critical energy & infrastructurebased exercises , and through enhanced military cooperation with partners already affected by the consequences of the heightened energy situation .
Jupiter 2022 , Major General Malinowsky outlines : “ we are faced with ambitious exercise design , and we want training audiences to achieve as many training objectives as possible . This is best done by setting clear expectations , agreeing to the levels of ambition , and committing to the scripting process .” It is thus only natural to include such current issues as energy security as part of these training objectives , understanding the nature of the reality they impose . Moreover , with the invasion now having taken place and the situation becoming the new reality for the energy security posture , it only makes sense to begin training to face the new reality collectively within the Alliance moving forward .
2 . Critical Energy Security Exercise Participation Within the framework of training integration , pan-NATO exercises specifically geared towards energy security & cooperation already exist . Colloquially termed the CORE exercises , Exercise Coherent Resilience has been the flagship
1 . Energy Security Training Integration As a Multi-Corps Land Component Command ( MCLCC ) for NATO operations , much of our ability to oversee operations depends on our training basis , thus fostering capabilities through massively structured exercises relevant to the current operating environment in the land domain today . As such , with incorporation of potential scenarios based on energy security as well as other climate change-based consequences , we can enable our operational understanding of potential future problems , and this from a realistic standpoint .
For example , inclusion of energy security injects into upcoming exercises such as Exercises Steadfast Jupiter and Loyal Leda would not only enhance our understanding in the research for their scripting within the Master Event List , but further deepen our proposed reactions in developing courses of action for these posed problems , including their secondary and tertiary effects . Thus , through deriving these injects , implementing them as part of our training , and allowing Divisions to develop their reaction plans throughout battle rhythm events , we ultimately foster the capability at the tactical and even operational levels throughout the land domain . As the Officer Directing the Exercise ( ODE ) of Exercise Steadfast tabletop exercises ( TTX ) of the Energy Security Centre of Excellence in Vilnius , Lithuania for the past few years . As described by the Centre of Excellence , “ the focus of these exercises is on the resilience of energy infrastructure and energy supply in a range of regions and countries ”. Accordingly , previous iterations have included studies on the Baltic states , the state of Georgia , the Caucasus region , and Ukraine .
The CORE series of exercises are ultimately meant to strengthen relations between NATO and EU entities regarding energy security and resilience . Additionally , the TTX is foreseen as an opportunity to enhance co-operation specifically relevant to the studied areas , including development of a common understanding of the possible threats that stem from energy security . In short , the exercise allows for specific identification of weaknesses in existing energy security procedures , thus
16 . - A . Sabadus , “ EU , Russia , and Ukraine ’ s gas transit negotiations ”, Independent Commodity Intelligence Services , 23 September 2019 , accessed 04 February 2022 , https :/ www . icis . com / explore / resources / news / 2019 / 09 / 23 / 10421334 / icis-explains-eu-russia-and-ukraine-s-gas-transit-negotiations /.
17 . - Joint Warfare Centre , “ The Joint Warfare Centre hosts Steadfast Jupiter 2022 MEL / MIL Strategy Workshop ”, NATO , 18 November 2021 , access 15 January 2022 , https :// jwc . nato . int / articles / joint-warfare-centrehosts-steadfast-jupiter-2022-strategy-workshop #:~: text = STEADFAST % 20JUPITER % 202022 % 20is % 20 a , Support % 20Forces % 20NATO % 20 ( STRIKFORNATO ).