LANDPOWER MAGAZINE 2022 2022 Edition, published Aug. 2022 | Page 21

ENERGY RELIANCE IN EUROPE To begin illustrating the impact of energy security within SACEUR ’ s area of responsibility , it is of critical importance to frame the current state of energy reliance for the European Union ( EU ), the organization that constitutes the majority makeup of NATO framework nations . In 2019 , research indicated that only 39 % of the European Union ’ s energy was produced within the borders of the EU , while the remaining 61 % was produced and imported from other nations . These nations are primarily those within the vicinity of the EU , including Russia , Norway , Algeria , Libya , and Azerbaijan . The energy products imported to the EU are split into six different categories : solid fossil fuels , petroleum , natural gas , nuclear energy and renewable energy . The most consumed energy source within the EU is petroleum , making up 40.8 % of the total products , with natural gas being the second most used , at 20.8 %. Electricity rounds out the major energy consumption sources , being the third most consumed at 20.7 %, however , 39 % of the electricity produced is generated from burning fossil fuels and natural gas .
As most Europeans continue to rely on fossil fuels and sources of energy from outside of the EU , the emergence of such a reliance has put a strain on the ability to integrate more renewable sources of energy within the EU and , with it , NATO as well . To this effect , only 10.1 % of all consumed energy within the EU are renewable and internal to the EU . Thus , when relying on 61 % of your energy to be supplied by others , specifically in terms of fossil fuels and natural gas , one can only assume the consequences of one entity ’ s refusal to deliver this energy source and turn off the many Trans-European pipelines . In fact , one only needs turn their history page to the 1973 OPEC-induced energy crisis to truly understand the realities of such a potential turn of events .
NATO ’ S POSITION ON ENERGY SECURITY As an organization , NATO does not have a singular part to play in energy security , mostly based on the fact that it stands as an Alliance of nations with different points of view on the matter . Moreover , as certain nations hold different positions on the international stage , some as users and some as producers , priorities can often
Figure 2 – Current Energy Sources of the European Union become entangled considering the fact that geopolitical and military organizations often have different approaches as well . Consequently , NATO ’ s broad approach to energy security operates on a basis of the Three No ’ s , namely : 1 . No interference with National Energy Policies . 2 . No militarization of economic or marketbased issues . 3 . No duplication of other actors ’ functions or responsibilities within the energy domain . This being said , as NATO is an Alliance based on principles of collective defence and cooperative security , it recognizes as an entity that it does need to take a leading role in certain regards . This is especially true as Europe creeps closer to an eventual crisis regarding energy supply , both as a result of issues with Russia as well as based on rise of inflation & cost of living .
6 . - M . McCall , “ Canada & US at Risk of Energy Crisis : OPEC and energy security ”, BOE Report , 12 July 2021 , accessed 01 January 2022 , https :// boereport . com / 2021 / 07 / 12 / canada-the-u-s-at-risk-of-anenergy-crisis-opec-energy-security /#:~: text = The % 201973 % 20energy % 20crisis % 20occurred ,% 2C % 20 Japan % 2C % 20and % 20the % 20Netherlands .& text = The % 20embargo % 20was % 20a % 20shift , oil % 20 supplies % 20and % 20causing % 20shortages .
7 . - Ibid .
8 . - E The Economist , “ Europe ’ s energy crisis will trigger its worst neuroses ”, 15 January 2022 , accessed 25 January 2022 , https :// www . economist . com / europe / 2022 / 01 / 15 / europes-energy-crisis-will-triggerits-worst-neuroses .
9 . -E . Wald , “ The EU contributed to its own energy crisis , but diversification can solve it ”, 24 November 2021 , accessed 20 January 2022 , https :// www . atlanticcouncil . org / blogs / energysource / the-eucontributed-to-its-own-energy-crisis-but-diversification-can-solve-it /.