LandEscape Art Review | Page 170

LandE scape

Christin Bolewski
emotion enormously and puts them into a state of flow . In my video paintings , I aim to create a meditative contemplative situation so that the audience calms down and takes time to reflect on those conflicting issues that the artwork presents : there is destruction of nature presented as poetic beauty . I love working with those contrasting effects in my work as I think they create very powerful experiences for the viewer . In Journeys in Travel , a nonlinear database film narrative that I created in 2012 , I particularly investigated the relationship of the viewers experience and film rhythm as a tool to modify it by creating a computer algorithm that was controlling the film flow based on the different emotional or perceptional states that individual clips in the database would evolve in the viewer . There is for example , different engagement if there is text included into an image or if there is music attached to it . Words or letters are being processed in other parts of the brain than music is . I am using this constantly when making decisions in my artwork and it is essential for the editing process .
Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts , Christin . Finally , would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects ? How do you see your work evolving ?
I ' m currently working on a third video painting related to Eastern landscape painting tradition . The third one is an investigation of the cityscape instead of the landscape . It makes references to an old Chinese hand scroll titled Along the River During the Qingming Festival by the Song dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan . It captures the daily life of people and the landscape of on old Chinese capital . The painting is considered to be one of the most renowned works among all Chinese paintings and it has been called sometimes " China ' s Mona Lisa ." The piece has been re-interpreted by a number of court artists of subsequent dynasties each following the overall composition and the theme of the original but differing in details and technique . For the World Expo 2010 presented at the