LandEscape Art Review | Page 16

Land scape
Alicia Shahaf
So I decided to move to the other side of the camera , and take photos of myself . What happened in the process was liberating , I allowed myself to be myself in front of the camera . It pulled out thoughts and emotions and feelings , most abstract and undefined . I checked my mobility , as I examined it over the years with other people . I stood in front of the camera and I played , I danced , I photographed myself as I photograph dancers , with long exposures , because I wanted to bring the movement , the movement of the mind , the thoughts expressed in the movement of the body . The world as it is not always is interesting . What interests me the most is this interpretation of the reality . And this interpretation is not always sharp and clear . I think that ' s why a big part of my photographs are in motion and tend to abstraction .
I feel it is impossible to separate the personal experiences of the artist and his artistic work . I also believe that good art is a representation of the artist ' s personal experiences reflected