Land scape
Anna Baranska
its technological sense , but also the subject matter of my work . The image became slightly blurred , the painting layer applied on underpainting was an intricate afterglow woven from multilayered glaze . The visual aspect , that is what is depicted on my paintings , is of no less importance . The genesis of the cycle are long-exposure photographs I took while travelling by car . The photos taken during my journeys show a world on the border between reality and abstraction , where particular motifs appear but not in their real shapes . An identical situation takes place when I create a painting . There is a concept , flash or frame on my mind , no more than just a loose idea as it has no defined shape , and it is blurred just like my paintings . In this cycle I do not convey literal messages or explicit ideas , but there is a part of me and my personality , the thoughts and visions existing inside of me that I just bring to light and materialize .
The process of painting is certainly an important stage of the creative process . The concept , which is often just a loose idea , takes its shape on the canvas . What is of crucial importance to me is painting technology and technological aspects of building an image . A painting is never created in haste for two reasons . Firstly , the process of painting is paced by the technique , which is the most traditional in its technological sense and comprises all stages of the painting process . Secondly , although a project is prepared beforehand , an idea also needs time to