Christin Bolewski
LandE scape
attention of your effective manipulation of symbols is the way your insightful transposition of the Makimono into a contemporary manner brings to a new level of significance the ubiquitous still conflictual relationship between ancient heritage and contemporary progress : when walking our readers through the genesis of Shizen ? Natural would you shed a light about the role of metaphors in your process ?
For this special edition of LandEscape we have selected Shizen ? Natural , an extremely interesting video that reflect the multifaceted nature of our relationship to nature and that our readers have already started to get to know in the introductory pages of this article . What has at once caught our
The Makimono is a traditional Japanese horizontal scroll painting . The Asian hand scroll is often referred to as first motion picture : it unrolls in time and space and is enjoyed as a progression while the painting is revealed foot by foot . As a filmmaker I found this reference very interesting and Shizen ? Natural is my second art work that explores traditions of East Asian art and translates them to moving image practice , more specific to a video painting , which is a moving image presented on a high resolution wall-mounted flat screen display . The first artwork which transposed concepts of Eastern painting tradition to a digital animated video painting or video scroll was mountain-water-painting . The title of this artwork is simply the translation of SHAN- SHUI-HUA - the Chinese word for landscape painting . The video painting is a hybrid concept between still and the moving image practice using traditional pattern of film narration and painting practice that I have explored intensively over the last few years in my art work . It emerges as a supremely pictorial form and due to its ambient and meditative character it seems to be privileged to represent the conceptual and philosophical ideas of the ‘ Shan-Shui- Hua ’.
As both pieces , Shizen ? Natural and mountain-water-painting make a direct reference to Eastern landscape painting