LandE scape
Christin Bolewski
Lives and works in Loughborough , United Kingdom
An artist ' s statement
C hristin Bolewski is a digital media artist and filmmaker from Germany . Undergraduate studies in film , video and photography , postgraduate studies in audiovisual media at Academy of Media Arts Cologne Germany . She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Practice at Loughborough University UK and has taught digital media art and film practice at several other Universities in Europe and America .
Christin exhibits regularly at international events media art and film festivals in Europe , Asia , North and South America , including amongst others SIGGRAPH Asia , ISEA , Worldwide Video Festival Den Haag , FILE Brazil , Transmediale Berlin , ‘ Manifestation on video-art and videomaking of the last 15 Years ’
Rialto Filmtheatre Amsterdam , Electronic Undercurrents , Art & Video in Europe Statens Museum for Kunst Copenhagen , part of group exhibitions at Kunstmuseum Bonn , Dt . Kinemathek Berlin , awarded with UNESCO Webprize , etc .
Her artwork is a critical investigation of the potential of digital media to expand the aesthetic possibilities of audiovisual / film art . It includes video installation , genre mix , alternation and remediation of traditional art concepts and film structures , nonlinear storytelling , combination of still and moving image , video and photography . She often works with and makes reference to literature and philosophy and explores text as a third element together with moving image and sound .