LandE scape
Igor Notte
Berlin today for me represent a comfortable place where to live and to work , a pulsating and funky city whit so many mixed cultures into a relaxed metropolitan ambient . So , my studies , the places in which I have lived , all the people i met and my roots , have contributed to design a mental map that help me to make choices , creatives or practical they are . When i work on a project , I do not usually follow an only path , but I try to dilate , expand my perception of the present time . The complexity , as a concept or as a fact , fascinates and dazzle me totally , and in my artistic practice it carries me into a freedom field where i can reflect , investigate , describe , or represent without barriers . Surely , all the experiences , often very different among them , have contributed to give me this method and passion . More I study , I listen , I read and more i can create links between subjects . By doing so , I explore this concept , or this fact , the complexity , and i reflect also on the particles that compose it .
You are a versatile artist and over these years you have gained the ability to cross from one media to another : encapsulating a wide variety of media , ranging from electronic music production and soundscape recordings , to video and photography your approach rejects any conventional classification , revealing an incessant search of an organic symbiosis between a variety of viewpoints . Before starting to elaborate about your production , we would suggest to our readers to visit http :// www . igornotte . com / in order to get a synoptic view of your multifaceted artistic production : while walking our readers through your process , we would like to ask you if