Stefan Lesueur
Land scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW our perception , I am again interested in bringing these ideas up as a conversation . If I want to have a conversation , it is obviously necessary for me to use visual language in a way that invites people to participate with my work rather than just looking at it . I am intrigued with the concept of inviting people to insert themselves into the work . So , I do take steps to try and allow that . Obscura would be the most obvious , since I consider the white space to be an invitation for people to fill in what they can ’ t see . Similarly , Landscapes for Richter really only suggests a landscape , it ’ s up to the audience to see if they agree or if they see something different . I want to present certain concepts with my work , but I never want to hit people over the head or detract from an image ’ s visual appeal . So , again , yes , taking the role of the audience into account is something that I consider crucial to my process .
Richter . I started that project as a bit of an experimental release , so it ’ s something that I can always go back to and evolve upon . However , the thing that has come to the forefront of my mind recently is to do more work with installation and public works . Since my focus is on spatial understanding , it feels only natural to translate my concepts into literal space . I can ’ t say that I have anything specific that I could present just yet , but I would like to do more of the string installations . I am also intrigued to play with the idea of erasure much like I have with Obscura . That is to say , I enjoy the thought of effacing certain portions of a space to bring attention to others . How I do that remains to be seen , but that is the direction I ’ m moving in .
An interview by and
, curator
, curator
Thank you for inviting me to participate .
In the short term , I certainly plan to keep working on Landscapes for