Land scape
Stefan Lesueur
My interest in space and environmental relationships creates a central theme to my artistry . Through my practice , I look to reveal human interactions and dynamic relationships within our environment . My work intends to both actively participate within the space , as well as openly critique our evolving relationship to the space .
In my most current series of works , Obscura , I specifically examine the relationship between the photographer , the camera , and the space that the photographer occupies . With the rising presence of the camera , the photographer ’ s attention shifts from their subject of interest to the interaction with the device itself . This presence usurps the photographer ’ s literal surroundings , replacing the reality of the experience with this new relationship .
The images in the series are not composited . They are created from photos I have taken while traveling , which I manipulate to void the surrounding environment . The project focuses on tourist locations and landmarks , which carry a particularly significant role in our culture ’ s mass perpetuation of images .
, 2016 , View of Tokyo Imperial Palace