Land scape
Stefan Lesueur
necessary , as long as it inspires you . This pushed me to embrace my creativity and personal interests even within projects that had a designated goal , like making an infographic . I would say this also helped my work ethic , since I was learning to make my work before I was out of the school structure .
In general , I have had a healthy exposure to art throughout my life . My parents supported my drawing habits when I was a kid , and I have had many opportunities to interact with artists , curators , designers , etc . I also have a lifelong love of traveling and exploring different cultures , which I work to make a priority in my life . I would say that having such early and frequent exposure to art and different viewpoints inevitably led to my interest in form : studying how others put a composition together , observing natural form , and breaking those things down to find something new . Again , it ’ s important to mention the influence from both the “ fine art ” and design spheres on my work . My basis in painting and drawing , for example , taught me to understand how to render form , challenge it , break it down , and bring it back up again . Meanwhile , I ’ ve also learned design principles that have taught me to hone things in order to best appeal to an audience . I find this combination terribly exciting , and again I believe it crucial to the strong formal qualities I like to carry out in my work .