Alena Koziol
LandE scape
for me to find understanding in the face of at least a few viewers . But I never have the purpose of conform to the audience . The experience of participation in international projects allows you to make sure that the audience perception of art is always subjective , because it depends on many factors . All plays a role : age , education level of cultural , aesthetic preferences and even geographic location .
Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts , Alena . Finally , would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects ? How do you see your work evolving ?
Yes , of course . Recently , I am into the work with human figure again , but I ' m not ready to completely abandon the simple forms . Therefore , in the near future I will continue to develop within the plastic realism , achieving more harmonious combination of objectivity , abstract forms and symbolism , requiring decryption . Of course , I also think about the personal exhibition . I will do it as soon as I feel that I am ready for this . Also , I think it is important to say that I am always ready to experiment , and in future I would like to collaborate with other artists , and representatives of various genres of art . I think this experience will play a big role in my development .
An interview by Katherine Williams , curator and Josh Ryder , curator landescape @ europe . com