Lucie Duban
France / Spain
Mihai Paul
United Kingdom
Barry Camps
The Netherlands
Barry Camps lives and works in Belgium
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I work to create dreamlike and playful paintings . I use oil for its transparency and vibrant pigments . I mix paint in order to obtain material in some places and transparency in others . I look for different depths , volumes and intensity without using perspective , as I want to keep a plane image .
I create paintings which have a playful touch . The plane aspect conveys a feeling of floating which reveals even more the elements related to biomorphism . The idea is to produce a familiar impression at seeing those elements . Also revealing the invisible we tend to forget about .
My calling towards such form of expression came quite recently and funny enough , by accident . Just last October ( 2014 ) I got ahold of a broken canvas and decided to see what it would get out of it ; it ended up in the piece you see under the name Clar de luna . I got to the conclusion that life is but a tragic comedy , with masks that we create for ourselves in order to better cope with different situations .
After a quite intense , one might say mystical , experience , I started identifying and watched closely my own masks . Slowly they started crumbling and my true self is being discovered a bit more every day at a time .
Image comes from thought ; thought form learning and experience ; the soul from weighing and evaluating ; the authored message from the integrity of soul and the values that it encourages . Dialogue in art first exists in the arena of human experience and perception . Second , is the studio . An object maker is author of content and simultaneously fabricator of physical form aligned with the narrative space carrying the implied communication . The dialogue is finalized in the reception and interpretation of the audience , giving the object of art meaning . |
Lucie Duban lives and works in Spain
Giorgio Cole lives and works in Niagara Falls , Ontario , Canada
Mihai Paul lives and works in London , United Kingdom
, a work by
162186182 Special thanks to Haylee Lenkey , Martin Gantman , Krzysztof Kaczmar , Joshua White , Nicolas Vionnet , Genevieve Favre Petroff , Sandra Hunter , MyLoan Dinh , John Moran , Marya Vyrra , Gemma Pepper , Michael Nelson , Hannah Hiaseen and Scarlett Bowman , Yelena York Tonoyan , Haylee Lenkey , Martin Gantman , Krzysztof Kaczmar and Robyn Ellenbogen .
Special Issue |