LandEscape Art Review Special Issue | Page 21

Daniel Agra

LandE scape

the experience of the senses . The composition is a priority element , the framing , the prespective are significant elements , ahead of any other element , this alone can have a significant language , but within its environment is where it has all its meaning .
El jardín de Entelequia , also inquires into the interstitial space between personal and public spheres , providing the spectatorship with an immersive experience that forces such a contamination between the inner landscape and the outside : how do you see the relationship between public sphere and the role of art in public space ?
I believe that there should be more advance , there should be more spaces of spontaneity without so many intervention and regulation and of course more freedom of pressures and power groups . It is in these spaces where public opinion arises and everything that is questioned and critically evaluated through the encounter between free and equal subjects that argue and reason in a process directed to understanding and art as a means of expression and free creation , is fundamental to be able to bring this dialogue to a successful conclusion . Precisely " Asimetrías Urbanas " is from the visual a metaphor of the search for new spaces , starting from those that already exist .
" Space does not have a form by itself , we are permanently framed in it and we move through its volume , we perceive the objects , the forms , in the same way