Karol Kochanowski
LandE scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW more ambiguous : the power of visual arts in the contemporary age is enormous : at the same time , the role of the viewer ’ s disposition and attitude is equally important . Both our minds and our bodies need to actively participate in the experience of contemplating a piece of art : it demands your total attention and a particular kind of effort — it ’ s almost a commitment . What do you think about the role of the viewer ? Are you particularly interested if you try to achieve to trigger the viewers ' perception as starting point to urge them to elaborate personal interpretations ?
No matter what ’ s hidden behind my brush strokes , what message I had on my mind while working on another piece , I always believed in so called first impression . I have made this idea clear with my Art & Design Foundation Course Degree Show installation “ Breadcycle ”. It didn ’ t matter to me if the viewer appreciate or dislike it ; my aim was to attract and to persuade someone to reflect on a piece in any way , get inspired , bring some questions or even hate it . I think ‘ Breadcycle ” - red floor and surrounding it walls covered in toast slices with bicycle placed in the center also wrapped in bread – did the job .
My more recent works , abstract paintings , bring attention with their vivid colors and semi realistic forms . I asked myself , whom do I want to make art for and what attracts me when looking at other artists ’ work ? Answers helped me to clarify the way I present my ideas / visions in a physical form . My works bring many questions what lead the viewer from visual attraction to the next stage – searching for the deeper meaning , but I will be more than happy if my work will satisfy the viewer even just on a visual level .
We have really appreciated the way The end of the end of provides with a visual translation the notion of heterotopia elaborated by French anthropologist Michel Foucault : your inquiry into the connections between spaces , and especially the way you have snatched the uncanny quality of these places has reminded us of the concept of non lieu elaborated by French anthropologist Marc Augé : artists are always interested in probing to see what is beneath the surface : maybe one of the roles of an artist could be to reveal unexpected sides of Nature , especially of our inner Nature ... what ' s your view about this ?
In some way we , as artists usually aim to get to some point , solution . In my case , the meaning of my practice is quite personal even if I touch many social issues . If I ’ m trying to unveil unknown side of Nature , it ’ s definitely nature of mine . No matter what subject I touch , my practice , on subconscious level always leads me to myself .
There is an element of narcissism in artist ’ s nature , I was contemplating this