Karol Kochanowski
LandE scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW creative these days doesn ’ t mean sticking to one medium for the rest of your life . I have gained confidence I needed to start a new piece . Now , it doesn ’ t matter where I am and what facilities are available , if I feel like , I pick a brush , a musical instrument , digital software or bunch of sticks in the park and create . No matter what ’ s the process and in what form is the outcome , it ’ s another add on to my personal creative development . You can read all these practices from my abstract paintings , which are like maps of my interweaving so far experiences .
After I moved to UK and joined a course at the university , I have realized how lucky I was . Before that , I couldn ’ t even dream to become a professional artist . I don ’ t come from a creative family . Since my childhood my drawing skills were always perceived as a talent but none ever thought I could do something with it , as by that time there was no such an occupation as a visual artist where I come from . After high school I went to Technical University to start Urban Architecture course , I thought the only way to utilize my imagination and drawing skills . Luckily I was brave enough teenager to realize I was wasting my time and parent ’ s money , so I have left the course , moved to UK and literally started new life .
I come from a background where contemporary art was out of sight , lack of it in mass media or even galleries . My art education back home included classical with maybe early XX century art . So I grown up by looking at Renaissance masters rather than Doig or Richter and that ’ s where my fascinations to traditional painting come from . Many of my works have this nostalgic touch , natural pigments , deep dark backgrounds remind of works of Caravaggio or Goya filtered through contemporary perception of the medium .
Your works reveal an incessant search of an organic symbiosis between a successful attempt to capture elusive features of reality and a tendency towards self-reflection . The results convey together a coherent sense of unity , that rejects any conventional classification . Before starting to elaborate about your production , we would suggest to our readers to visit http :// karolkochanowski . com in order to get a synoptic view of your multifaceted artistic production . Your pieces communicate a successful attempt to transform tension to harmony and what has at once captured our attention it ' s their dynamic and autonomous aesthetics : are your works painted gesturally , instinctively ? Or do you methodically transpose geometric schemes from paper to canvas ?
Back at the university I have been taught to leave all my ideas , sketches behind when starting a new work . With nothing in my head but just complete trust to my subconsciousness my so far surreal , illustrative paintings began to lose their representative form to become