LandEscape Art Review Special Issue | Page 29

Daniel Agra

LandE scape

In the same way that a painter is an artist because he practices the art of painting, photography is the art of obtaining images with light through a camera and that unbinds any kind of feeling from who creates it to the one who looks at it. Then there is the language, that relationship of visual balance that is already more subjective. All human being from his individuality has the freedom of expression and creation, as well, as whoever is perceiving it has the freedom to interpret it through the visual stimuli generated and normally related to their knowledge, their emotional state, and that they generate reception or discrimination, but to create that feeling is to create art, so for me, the same feeling that is generated, whether painting, sculpture, photography or any other artistic expression, has the same importance.
Over these years you have exhibited in several occasions including your solo Abyssurbs at the PH21 Gallery, in Budapest. One of the hallmarks of your work is the capability to create direct involvement with the viewers, who are urged to evolve from a condition of mere spectatorship. So before leaving this conversation we would like to pose a question about the nature of the relationship of your art with your audience. Do you consider the issue of audience reception as being a crucial component of your decision-making process, in terms of what type of language is used in a particular context?
It is an important process, but not crucial. I strongly believe in personal language to convey ideas or thoughts, as I also