Henrieta Maneva
LandE scape
Bulgaria and the United States , my experiences in Austria have also influenced my work . In Austria , I fell in love with Gothic architecture . I experienced a culture different from mine . I considered this to have been both beneficial and useful to me . Austria helped me find out what kind of person I was while being far away from the people who give me tremendous emotional support and love : my family and friends . Despite all obstacles , it helped me trust myself more . I am happy that I met amazing people there . I found and continue to honor great friendships . Austria made me stronger and more independent . The United States has played a significant role in my professional and personal development . The United States gave me freedom and opportunities to do what I am really have a passion for , and likewise , to develop my potential . I am blessed to have met and been surrounded by an amazing group of artist friends that are incredibly supportive and inspiring . They boost my ego periodically . My experiences in the United States have helped me believe in my talent once again ( after 19 years of a break ), develop my potential in the sphere that matters most to me , set my personal and professional goals , and reach my dream ( which I still am doing ). Most importantly I have the freedom now to pursue my goals .
I was not intentionally looking for style . Everything comes in a very natural order and way for me . I even avoid signing up for more than one class or teacher , in order to find myself and my specific style . I started in an illustration class with illustrator Lena Shiffman after my father passed away . This was a kind of tribute to him ( he was my biggest supporter and always wanted me to achieve my dreams ). Starting this class and painting again , after a 19 years break , was more of an art therapy for me in order to deal with depression and grief . Architecture was my mom ’ s dream , not mine ( I was good at math and drawing , so she thought that this was the best job for me ). My style is probably a combination between my native skills and an attraction to drawing in addition to my two relatively new passions , watercolor and architecture . My usual process and set ups are as follows . First I draw with pencil , and if the painting includes so many details I start ink right away . When I finish the sketch and ink is all applied , I erase the pencil ’ s draft and I start painting with watercolor . After finishing watercolor I apply one more layer ink . I use Faber