Mark McAfee Brown
LandE scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW plants and vegetables using a flatbed scanner until I have the image or portions of an image that I want . In these works I use the scanner as a camera , shooting each “ picture “ from below . Flowers are placed on top of the scanner with the scanner lid left open . I do a large number of scans until I have all of the picture elements I need for an image , depending on what the image , emotion and notion require to bring the picture to life . I then compose the images using Photoshop .
In both of these series I use Photoshop ’ s digital painting tools and filters to create my images , and then print them on a large format Epson 4880 , 8 color archival inkjet printer . I do all of my own matting and framing for art shows . Your exploration of the notion of landscape as a terrain that can be