Mark McAfee Brown
LandE scape
out and about hiking through beautiful places . I take a large number of photos , Sometimes hundreds in a day . Often several from the same immediate landscape from different vantage points , and when I return to my studio I transfer them to one of my computers . I then view them and collect promising images in a folder . On a day of shooting I will be lucky if 2 or 3 out of 100 photos will be worth working on to make an artworthy print .
I import the promising photos into Photoshop and simplify the images , turning them into a cross between paintings and digital woodcuts . I started out as a very analog / traditional artist , doing drawings , paintings and sculptures , and as such now see my photographs as a starting point to be molded and modified into whatever kind of image I can imagine . I didn ’ t take photography seriously until I was in my early 20 ’ s . With the advent of digital photography and Photoshop , I finally found the right medium of expression for myself . vastness and wild beauty of the Western American landscape .
In my photographic process for the Landscape ( Woodless Woodcuts ) Series , I start with digital photos taken with my Nikon DSLR while I am
My photographic process for the creation of the NightBlooms series is very different . They are a series of digital art works that explore the space in which Nature and Technology collide , merge , marry and mul- tiply . These are conceptual artworks in which I reimagine , re-assemble and re-image the natural world , in a new visual world