Nora Maccoby
LandE scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW drawings of the creation of the Adamite , aka , Humans , from clay and soil . I wrote a play version of Paradise Lost , and a Vietnam vet version of The Odyssey . My thesis was a play about an evangelical gameshow called Will Lorna Loo Make It ? that I directed , starring Annie Piper and Mike Iveson and some other amazing actors . The genius artist-writer AK Summers did the poster . It was a very high level of talent and people open to creating . Our main teacher had been a student of Grotovsky , the Polish theater of living . @ 1988 I did a year abroad and lived in the house of Harold Pinter and Antonia Fraser and worked at Dispatches / Channel 4 on current events like the nuclear black market which at the time was in Khartoum , Sudan , in the Hilton Hotel . After the episode was aired , within a few hours , 8 of our 9 informants had been murdered and CNN refused to air it . That was a wake up call and would haunt all of us . I was always going in and out of a lot of different worlds and milieus .
I was at a Fromm conference in Heidelberg when the Berlin wall came down . I had always been obsessed with going to the East , so I went to Poland to do a photographic essay of a hospital for children effected by nuclear radiation . The environmental devastation from pollution was overwhelming and horrifying . Blackened trees , white foaming rivers , rivers of industrial fire … it was like driving through Hell . After about 6 hours of this , we finally reached an area that was environmentally healthy , with large weeping willow type trees and it was very familiar . This was where my thoughts about Time Travel began to really become impossible to ignore . I remember we arrived @ 2 am to the hospital which had probably at one time been a luxury spa , but had gone utilitarian in communist times , and I had the undeniable realization that this was not the first time I had been there , and as I thought this , the radio was playing a re-cast of a report from 1945 @ the end of WW2 and it was in English . I believe in reincarnation in a big way and also that there is no time , except perceptually , and that everything is happening at once . If time is a big playing field and existence is like a giant lotus in space and lives are lighting up the lotus like villages in a state . Which means you can access and change experience and history like a recording . I ’ ve done a fair amount of past life regression and remote viewing and if you look into that it will corroborate this in others experience too
It was in the Polish village of the hospital , which was on the site of sulfur healing waters , I had a energy healing from the blind Solidarity leader of the village . Soon after I experienced a near death experience which resulted in my perception of Light itself completely changing . I suddenly noticed Light in a way I had never before . This led me to decide not to live in NYC because the light was blocked by the buildings .
A friend from Oberlin , Charles Herman-Wurmfeld had moved to Vermont and had put together a collective of theater people from school . We lived in an old mill with no running water and a waterfall next door and did theater of the mind where we did experiments on ourselves . We did a fringe performance at Bread and Puppet and then bought a corVair convertible and drove across the country to San Francisco to do environmental theater in the city . We found this huge space on 5th and Harrison . It was Fall 1990 .
We needed a 4th person . I ran into Liz Phair , a classmate from Oberlin , walking down the street in the Mission . We drank copious amounts of coffee and she confessed she had the ability to call storms at will and was a wizard and a worthy candidate to be our 4th . So we became best friends and moved in above the Saw Mill . 4 thousand sq feet inside , nothing in the space but an iron crucifix and a ball of tumbleweed . 7th sq feet of roof space with giant styrophome blocks with which we immediately built Stonehenge . It was very strange how it all fell into place but we went with it . We had no money and only occasional jobs . We didn ’ t eat much but we lived in this incredible space which also felt like a set up that we were being observed within like mice in a very interesting cage experiment . We became