LandEscape Art Review Special Issue | Page 103

Stacy Lovejoy

LandE scape

I think it ' s an illusion that the role of the artist has significantly changed : the fact is that people , artists included , are simple . All they need is love and peace .
Over the years your works have been showcased in several occasions , including your solos The Radiant Thread in Seattle and Thoughts are Things , in Portland . One of the hallmarks of your work is the capability to create a direct involvement with the viewers , who are urged to evolve from a condition of mere spectatorship . So before leaving this conversation we would like to pose a question about the nature of the relationship of your art with your audience . Do you consider the issue of audience reception as being a crucial component of your decision-making process , in terms of what type of language is used in a particular context ?
The main idea of my art is to awaken people , tickle their mind , and say : " Hey guys ! This world is too simple to be taken so seriously !" I wish for people to realize that being an adult is the same as being a child , but with far more benefits . As an adult , you belong to yourself and the most important thing is that you have a choice ! It means you can have as much candy as you wish , even instead of dinner . And you can wear your clothes inside out , crawl the whole day instead of walking , and climb a tree with a candelabra on your head . The more you play and do such spontaneous and silly things , the more you feel alive . Really , I just want people to abandon their shells and finally realize we are all free and almighty , and that all we ' ve got in life is our choice , because we create our own reality .
Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts , Stacy . Finally , would you like to tell our readers something about your future projects ? How do you see your work evolving ?
I am currently getting ready to work on a series of intergalactic shows where I ' m going to collaborate with people and creatures from different planets : we will fly and wear lifebuoys , creating fairy melodies using soft pollen which smells like harmony and lime sorbet . I ' ll definitely invite you guys to join it . Thanks for the interview . It was so much fun to discuss my work with you !
An interview by Katherine Williams , curator and Josh Ryder , curator landescape @ europe . com