LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 89

Tsz Mei Wong
Land scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW commonplace . In former day , A glimpse of the plush interiors of the leading auction houses or a trip to the forbidding galleries can give the visitor second thoughts about purchasing a piece of artwork . Therefore purchasing artworks seemed to be the activity of a handful of connoisseurs and high-livers at that time . Over the past years , as average people could buy what they like through internet , and then the gap between arts and public is narrowed . Some ambitious persons even thinking of buying fine art as an investment . Why not ? As it is little difference of speculating quality fine arts and other financial products to make our assets increase in value . Moreover , the purchased work could be hung for appreciation , to savour it over time , but other speculating items could only be knocked in safe or deposit in bank without immediate function . Nevertheless , to the uninitiated the prospect of buying quality fine art can be daunting , and to buy the contemporary Chinese paintings would demand much more care or attention , for the westernizied-cum-Chinese eclecticism blurred the distinction of the distinguishing characteristics of Chinese paintings . Therefore , before launching an investment in art , in the uniqueness of an artistic style , we start by educating ourselves about the art market as much as we do about the art itself . Rarity is one of the criteria to valuate an artwork and Chinese quality is unique which is in a class by itself . To make a comprehensive survey of the miscelaneous artforms , Chinese painting should not be mistaken for western painting . It is the same that the misattributions of Van Gogh , Manet , Renior would not happen , as their idiosyncrasies stand out noticeably .
Nowadays , public exhibitions , selling art online are established as the crucial , indispensable means of putting the producers and consumers of art in touch . As independent artists , they made their living by selling on the art market to clients who might be anybody at all . An increasingly important intermediate role is played by art dealer , whose ongoing commercial gallery shows ( both the online marketplace and the traditional bricks and mortar ) made contact possible . Furthermore the linking of exhibition and periodical publications are to become a regular feature of art and media market . Therefore , we are easily dazzled by the flood of art informations and invariably would not be equal to the strain on our concentration to scrutinize every piece of work . And still the fact remained that most of the public preferred not to make up their own minds and simply relied on the expert opinion . It turn into the causation that artists were compelled to woo the critics and to organize their own promotion . Many sounding rhetoric of art criticism may not be totally reliable . Should the practised connoisseur and the less experienced art lover alike know the aesthetic standing of Chinese art which offers us the unique feast to the eyes , the contemporary Chinese painting actually following the imperatives of tradition without sticking to the old ways would not be overlooked . I do my art work just for the sake of it . I can only pursue perfection in this region , and would carry on regardless of other thing .
Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts , Wong . Finally , would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects ? How do you see your work evolving ?
Now I am studying how to draw nude . Nudity is the most important subject in western arts . At present . I am handling a work of it , I hope that I can let the readers see it when it is finished . I hope that one day my work would awe the viewers with both its variety and size .
An interview by Katherine Williams , curator and Josh Ryder , curator landescape @ europe . com