LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 168

Land scape
Tanya Ziniewicz
texture ?
My color palette is influenced by a combination of formal design decisions , information collected through observations in reality , and emotional expression . I typically begin my paintings with an application of wildly expressive colors . I work very quickly and intuitively . That initial color palette serves as a starting point – or something I can react to in developing the image further . Often the colors change dramatically from start to finish . In Ascent 8 , 9 , and 10 , I began with a washy ground of vibrant neon pink and red . I began finding forms within that initial space , and as the forms developed and became more precise , the colors settled down into rich browns , reds , and flesh-like tones . In recent work , I have been intrigued by textures that are silky , perhaps a little bit shiny , and sometimes fleshy . In future projects , I am interested in exploring textures further – adding fur , bark , hair , or making the surface of the forms even more flesh-like .
Your images are marked out with reference to perceptual reality : how does direct experience fuels the way you develope your subconscious narratives ? In particular , is important for you that the viewers attempt to recognize the traces of reality in your images ?
Art-making is a way for me to digest , or make sense of , my direct