Land scape
LandEscape meets
Gail Factor
An interview by Katherine Williams , curator and Josh Ryder , curator landescape @ europe . com
Hello and welcome to LandEscape : we would start this interview with a couple of questions about Ms . Factor ' s multifaceted professional background . She studied Fine Arts at the prestigious Yale University nad she spent one year in Europe to study art and architecture . She also earned her BFA Cum Laude from the University of Southern California , where she also received the Francis de Erdely Award for excellence in life drawing : did this training in any way effect how she approached her fine art painting practice ? And in particular , as an American painter with a wide experience in traveling around other countries , how did her cultural substratum inform the way she related herself to the aesthetic problem in general ?
My mother ’ s early work ( all created during the educational period after the c of circa 1950s 1950s - 1960s ) was the core foundation of the different techniques she would use throughout her lifespan of work , both in medium and in concepts . You see a range of abstract work in oil , which would be her primary medium , executed on wood board and canvas , as well as pastel on paper . I feel it was the most abstract time of her career , where occasionally there were hints of architecture or landscape , but mainly studies that appear as marks . You can also witness the beginnings of her sense of color and color-combining develop , of which she truly became a master .
Simultaneously , yet almost as a separate endeavor , her life drawing abilities began to develop . She loved live figure drawing and would always joyfully participate in sessions with models . She had countless pages and books of life drawings that close to outnumber her landscapes . These were something she never promoted or presented to the public ; they were