Francine Gourguechon
LandE scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW condenses a variety of viewpoints , that you combine together into coherent balance . Over your career you have worked in many mediums including painting , drawing , sculpture , photography and mosaic art : what has lead you to focus on mosaic art as your primary direction ?
I ’ m not sure I can answer the question of what made me concentrate on mosaics . It has something to do with working with my hands , sourcing and using various materials and making all the pieces come together as a whole . It ’ s my attempt to give some order and harmony to our complicated world .
We would suggest to our readers to visit http :// www . chicagomosaics . com in order to get a synoptic view of your work . In the meanwhile , would you like to tell to our readers something about your process and set up ? In particular , would you tell our readers something about the evolution of your style ? In particular , are your works conceived instinctively ? Or do you methodically transpose preparatory schemes ?
My work is completely organic , inspired by the forms and materials that surround me in my studio . I work on my sculptures and design the piece as I work along . Mosaics are labor intensive so I have time to reconsider my direction and use of materials as I see them evolve .
For this special edition of LandEscape we have selected Red Head and Emergence , a couple of interesting works that our readers have already started to admire in the introductory pages of this article . What has at once captured our attention of your captivating investigation about the expressive potential of mosaic art is the way you provided the visual results of your analysis with autonomous aesthetics : while walking our readers through the genesis of Red Head and Emergence , would you shed light to your main sources of inspiration ?
Red Head was my first male figure . He portrays strength as well as vulnerability just as we humans experience every day . I think of these figures , wither male or female as a tribe of humanity . Emergence is a little different … here I wanted to convey the tribulations of the female in societies and the power of women to emerge from oppression . The feminine figures are floating to the surface of the stormy water to freedom .
What has at once captured our attention of Brainstorm is the way it captures nonsharpness with an universal kind of language quality marks out a considerable part of your production ,