Rossana Jeran
Land scape
CONTEMPORARY ART REVIEW in varying degrees , especially if it ’ s to be commercial . With my early experimental work , I did not consider the audience much because my work is personal , yet expressed universally , so you get to decide what it ’ s about for YOU .
If I was on a panel or after a festival showing , sometimes people would ask me , “ what is this about ?” and I would turn the question back on them : “ What does it mean to you ?” And whatever that is , is what it ’ s about . My goal is to enlighten and entertain the masses through media and meditative experiential experiences and lure the imagination beyond the known .
Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your thoughts , Rossana . Finally , would you like to tell us readers something about your future projects ? How do you see your work evolving ?
As a filmmaker , it is always good to have several projects in various stages of development . The City Mandala Series will be an ongoing , travel project . I hope to be commissioned by other cities to create their mandala loops and a chance to show them , whether by projection , digital frame or live show .
I have another VJ loop series entitled , “ Blo ( om )”. Videos that lead the viewer through specific breath cycles while visually synchronizing with the bloom and collapse of a flower . Essentially , a guided meditation and breathing exercise , they serve as a pranayama machines for those with attention span challenges who need a guided interface to breathe and / or meditate with .
I am also developing a commercial , feature film project for the young adult market entitled , The Subway Trilogy . It i about a shy and talented high school freshman that gets trapped inside the world of her own creative writing when a super-computer brings her story to life in the form of a wildly popular video game . The Subway Trilogy is also a book series with the first book already on Amazon . com . It would be a dream come true to raise all the funds needed to direct and shoot this narrative feature , but I would settle for producing it , because of it ’ s powerful message and culturally relevant thematic content .
I see my video art work heading more and more into ethereal realms as I continue to create imagistic organic content to embody global audiences at concerts , parties and events as a Media Artist or VJ .
Blurgirl Youtube Channel http :// bit . ly / 2hScgEy Instagam - @ rossana _ jeran Twitter @ rossanajeran
Facebook : https :// www . facebook . com / blurgirlgirl /
http :// www . blurgirl . com