LandE scape
LandEscape meets
Francine Gourguechon
An interview by Katherine Williams , curator and Josh Ryder , curator landescape @ europe . com
After having worked in many mediums including painting , drawing , sculpture , photography and mosaic art , artist Francine Gourguechon focused on mosaic art as her primary direction . In her body of works that we ' ll be discussing in the following pages , she effectively challenges the relationship between the viewers ' perceptual parameters and their cultural substratum to induce them to elaborate personal associations , offering them a multilayered aesthetic experience . One of the most impressive aspects of Gourguechon ' s work is the way it accomplishes a successful attempt to create a channel of communication between the perceptual sphere and imagination , to go beyond the dichotomy between Tradition and Contemporariness . We are very pleased to introduce our readers to her multifaceted artistic production .
Hello Francine and welcome to LandEscape : before starting to elaborate about your artistic production would you like to tell us something about your background in photography and painting ? You have a solid formal training and you attended the prestigious Art Institute of Chicago : how did your studies influence your evolution as an artist ? And in particular , how does your cultural substratum inform the way you relate yourself to art making and to the aesthetic problem in general ?
My studies at the Art Institute of Chicago serves as the foundation of my art making . As a student you are introduced to considering everything you see in terms of line , form , color etc . and then you forever see this way . However , studying art mediums of all kinds goes on all through life and is an ongoing inspiration . Travel , books , museums , galleries , workshops , family and politics are the research that somehow accumulate in your mind and end up in the art you finally make .
Your approach rejects any conventional classification : it is very personal and