Land scape
Rossana Jeran
as the lead in my friend , Brendon Phillips ’ feature film for the Kansas City Art Institute that I really got to play a dramatic role and be part of the production process in getting the project made . I was hooked !
I also worked in the Kansas City commercial , production scene after being taken in by mentors and producers , Rick Cowan and Claudia Wight .. The more and more I learned , the more and more I fell in love with the process of production and realized I could make my own films and cast myself in them .
Bordering on performance art , I would cast myself as an archetype and use allegorical and metaphorical costumes , locations , sets , props and images to depict disparate emotional and psychological states .
This made up some of my earliest short works , Madness ( https :// youtu . be / geHriPTKDVM ) “ M ( other ) ( not online ) Tender ( https :// youtu . be / bcYX-gv100U and Wish ( https :// youtu . be / qTjrRhLwiY4 ) all have visually driven storylines with no voice over , text or language , just imagery and sound to move them along . Experimental film for sure !
You are a versatile artist and over these years you have gained the ability to cross from one media to another : your are active as writer , director , VJ and producer of short and feature films , as well as music videos , videoscapes and multi-media projects and your approach reveals an incessant search of an organic symbiosis between a variety of viewpoints . The results convey
Miami VJ loop - video still
together a coherent sense of unity that rejects any conventional classification . Before starting to elaborate about your production , we would suggest to our readers to visit http :// blurgirl . com in order to get a synoptic view of your multifaceted artistic production : while walking our readers through your process ,