LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 33

Jing Zhou

LandE scape

began to sort them out . By that time I have taken “ San Francisco Museum of Modern Art ,” “ São Paulo Cathedral ,” “ Chongqing People ' s Hall - China ,” and “ Fushimi Inari Shrine - Kyoto .” In the following 10 years , this body of work started to take shape . Today , it contains fifteen abstract photographs captured on four continents . Meanwhile , I would like to point out that every image in this series was not staged , nor planned . They were taken spontaneously . This growing body of work reveals the exquisite beauty of architectural design in natural light , the geometric transformation of space , and the magnificent cultural identities . In 2015 , this series ’ first public exhibitions — selected and curated by The Photographic Angle — took place in multiple cities in UK , such as London , Manchester , Newcastle , and Leeds .
We have appreciated the way Dimensions of Light inquires into the interstitial space between personal and public spheres , providing the spectatorship with an immersive experience that forces such a contamination between the inner and the outside : how do you see the relationship between public sphere and the role of art in public space ?
The “ Dimensions of Light ” series is a body of work that evokes personal emotions through public spaces . So it was challenging to capture this intimate