LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 148

Land scape
LandEscape meets

Mariusz Sołtysik

An interview by and
, curator
, curator
Rejecting any conventional classification artist Mariusz Soltysik ' s work focuses on the relationship between objective and subjective sensual perception , and the role of consciousness and intuition in this process . His projects consider the vital relationship between direct experience and visual intepretation , to draw the viewers through a multilayered journey . In his photON that we ' ll be discussing in the following pages he unveils a channel of communication between the inner landscape and outside reality to trigger the viewers ' perceptual parameters . One of the most impressive aspects of Soltysik ' s work is the way it accomplishes the difficult task of questioning the notions of memory , space and perception in our unstable contemporary age : we are very pleased to introduce our readers to his stimulating and multifaceted artistic production .
Hello Mariusz and welcome to LandEscape : we would start this interview with a couple of questions about your multifaceted background . Are there any particular experiences that have influenced the way you currently conceive and produce your works ? And in particular , how does your cultural substratum inform the way you relate yourself to the aesthetic problem in general ?
Hello . My understanding of aesthetics is not a constant , but a variable . It is a variable within a certain scope , perhaps quite like a sinusoid . Aesthetics , you are asking about was born in opposition to reality that surrounded me . I talk about very distant times , before 1989 , I talk about the times of Communism and overwhelming greyness , where every expression of colour was an emblem of freedom . That was what Poland looked like before 1989 . I was a teenager then , however it represented a missing element , I was trying to compensate for it in my works then . That reality was an overwhelming and sad picture , a picture of poverty mainly , imprisonment and powerlessness , as well as a fight for the