Land n Sand Oct / Nov 2013 | Page 45

series of mages, and occurring on’s mind sleep.” ing a certery back r lives.” This is where sharing our dreams with others become important. Relating a dream and getting someone else’s interpretation of the dream often opens up other lines of thought in your own mind and understanding. When you are in a formal Dream Circle or just a friend of the dreamer it is important to always begin with the words “If that was my dream...” Do not use the dreamer’s history or current situation as a basis from which to do your interpretation. Your interpretation of another person’s dream should always be from a personal point of view. Dream enactment is another technique that can be used in dream interpretation. It is a process where different people play different characters or things in a dream. The dreamer relates the dream to a few people (this works well in a Dream Circle meeting). The members of the group are then told to perform the different characters or any other important aspect of the dream (animals, things). Before the performance a motto is established (a short sentence describing the dream). You will not believe what transpires during an enactment of a dream until you have tried and tested it. The profound wisdom and guidance from a dedicated group is amazing. It is as if universal consciousness is awakened when answers are crucial. Tersia Theron OTION nterpretation session with ce during November 2013. ere to stand a chance to win!