Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show NEC 2024 | Page 74

Exhibitors , Traders and Clubs
Lancaster Insurance
Exhibitors , Traders and Clubs
Klasiko specialise in the sale of competition cars , collectible cars and auction consultation services . Our showroom is located within the grounds of a private grasslands farm near Malmesbury , Wiltshire .
p 07929 363573 E info @ klasiko . co . uk f @ klasikocars i @ klasikocars
Malmesbury , Wiltshire , www . klasiko . co . uk
Klasyczna Polonia UK
Klasyczna Polonia is a group of classic motoring enthusiasts , established in 2016 . Since then we are organizing car meets . Also we are listed on DVLA-List of vehicle owners club .
p 07720 758460 E club @ klasycznapolonia . uk f @ Klasyczna Polonia . uk i @ klasycznapoloniauk
4 Hastings Road , Northampton , Northamptonshire , NN2 7RN .
KLS Models
Obsolete original boxed and unboxed 1:43 Corgi , Dinky etc toys and models . Also , our own high quality professionally restored models . Plus Action Figures , Barbie dolls etc . E keithsiddons @ gmail . com PO Box 59 , Halfway , Sheffield , South Yorkshire , S20 8YU .
Knights Bullion
Professional gold investment advice for those who understand the benefits of appreciating assets .
p 01789 266595 E info @ knightsfinejewellery . co . uk f @ KnightsJewellery i @ knightsfinejewellery
www . knightsbullion . com
L B Restoration Services
Suppliers of very high quality tools and techniques for car bodywork restoration . including lead loading , bike tank restoration and much more . Come and talk to genuine classic car enthusiasts .
Pandarosa Farmhouse , St . Lawrence Road , Bodmin , Cornwall , PL31 2QU .
L & J Vehicle Specialist
We provide a variety of services for your classic & performance Ford . Servicing , MOT , Diagnostic , Maintenance , Repairs . In-depth full / part restoration & recommission . Complete overhaul , simple engine rebuilds / performance competition engine .
p 01628 669111 E ljvehiclespecialist @ gmail . com f @ LJVehicleSpecialist i @ ljvehiclespecialist
Unit 5 The Old Station Yard , Station Road , Taplow , Buckinghamshire , SL6 0NU .
www . ljvehiclespecialist . co . uk
Lamborghini Club UK
The only Lamborghini Club in the UK , representing owners and enthusiasts of all ages who love the cars from the home of The Raging Bull , Lamborghini .
E Chairman @ Lamborghiniclub . co . uk f @ Lamborghini Club UK i @ Lamborghini Club UK
www . lamborghiniclub . co . uk
Lancashire VDubbers VW Club
Lancashire based VW club . We are a good mix of air and water cooled . We do shows , displays , festivals and club camp outs . Free to join and everyones welcome .
p 07974 500279 E lancashirevdubbers @ gmail . com f @ Lancashire _ vdubbers i @ Lancashire _ vdubbers B @ Lancashire _ VDubbers
Swanside , 27 Manchester Road , Accrington , Lancashire , BB5 2BW .

Lancaster Insurance

1-480 & 1-580
Lancaster Insurance has been arranging classic car insurance since 1984 . With customers and car clubs at the heart of our business , we are committed to offering a wealth of experience and excellent service ; and over 20,000 customers agree ! Take a look at our excellent rating on Trustpilot and let us know if we can help you today .
p 01480 400 858 f @ Lancasterins i @ lancaster _ ins B @ Lancaster _ Ins
Lancaster House , Meadow Lane , St . Ives , Cambridgeshire , PE27 4ZB .
www . lancasterinsurance . co . uk
Lancia Beta Forum
The Lancia Beta Forum helps current and prospective owners by sharing information and promotes the Beta range – Sedan , Coupe , Spider and HPE manufactured by Lancia between 1972 and 1984 .
p 07712 787703 E bowjm @ hotmail . com f @ Club Lancia Beta and Lancia Beta Appreciation Society
15 Beech Road , Hollywood , Birmingham , West Midlands , B47 5QS .
www . lanciabeta . co . uk
Lancia Motor Club
Lancia Motor Club ( UK ) is the world ’ s largest and oldest catering for all models of this illustrious Italian marque . See what we have to offer on our new website .
E membership @ lanciamc . co . uk f @ groups / lmcuk
4-5 Gray ’ s Inn Square , Gray ’ s Inn , London , WC1R 5AH . www . lanciamc . co . uk
Land Rover Series 2 Club
We are a friendly club of 2600 + members whose sole aim is to further the appreciation , restoration and driving of all Land Rovers built between 1958 and 1971 .
E membership @ series2club . co . uk f @ Land Rover Series 2 Club i @ lrseries2club B @ LRSeries2Club
Land Rover Series 2 Club Ltd . BM 7035 , London WC1N 3XX .
www . landrover . series2club . co . uk
Land Rover Series One Club
The LRSOC is the worlds biggest Land Rover Club specialising in Land Rovers manufactured from 1948 to 1958 . E secretary @ lrsoc . co . uk www . lrsoc . com
Landcrab Owners Club
LOCI formed in 1988 with over 230 members worldwide . Members benefits , include spares secretary , quarterly magazine , website , technical support from long standing members , authentication . National Rally and events .
p 07799 436643 E clive . serrell @ btinternet . com
401 Birmingham Road , Redditch , Worcesetershire , B97 6RH .
www . landcrab . net
LB Supply Co


Sponsors of the Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show since 2013

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