“Words cannot express what I was blessed to witness yesterday.
You have built an unbelievable team and an amazing school ex-
perience for Klal Yisrael. I was being totally honest when I said
that I want to spend a week in your school and just observe ev-
erything that is going on. With all the talk of change in educa-
tion and the importance of bringing it to the Jewish day school
world, I had yet to see it in action in any setting outside of lib-
eral or modern orthodox Judaism until yesterday. It made my
heart warm knowing that frum religious kinderlach have access
to this type of forward thinking education and you are the rea-
son why. You are our Nachshon ben Aminadav and I thank you
for making this happen. I know Hashem is smiling from above
and you should continue to have siyata deshemaya in all of your
endeavors. I hope and pray that we are able to carry over even
a tenth of this.”
— Rabbi Michael Bitton (Magen David, Brooklyn)
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