Lamplighters Mesivta 5779 Lamplighters Mesivta 5779 | Page 17

Now that we have become an official Lamplighters Mesivta, we are carrying the mantle of Lamplighters community service. As exciting as this may sound, this has also put us on display to the school and greater community, whereas last year we were still “under the radar.” In fact, we suffered a few disappointments. For example, we asked a local mesivta to join us in our Chanukah mitzvah tank. The school opted out because they were worried about the “level” of our students. We have been shamed in local shuls for the school we attend. People in our own school community worry that our presence will affect their sons negatively. We were uninvited to a teen dinner and learn event, simply because we were being judged Our answer to this? Continue to grow and to live up to being a Lamplighter! ght Those Lamps! Listen to our perspectives on Lamplighting and what Lamplighters means to us. “ My unique voice in this entry prize is that I walked into this school with the intent to improve from a feeling of neutrality to "President.” ” Zalmy Belinsky Mesivta student