Q. How Much Hair Do I Need?
A: If you are getting a full weave the average person needs about 2 packs of hair, although it is advised to go for 3 pa
cks. For weave it is best to buy two packs to make sure you have enough. You can always use the leftover hair later. I
f you are using hair over 18" long you might need another pack. If you are getting tracks one pack is enough for four t
o five tracks up to 18" hair length. If you are getting the hair bonded one pack is enough for four to five tracks up to 18
" hair length. If you are getting fusion or micro then you will need to consult your stylist.
Q. What type of hair care products should I use?
A: Treat this hair just as if it was your own hair. Use good quality shampoo and conditioning products. Conditioning ??)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????e???????????????????????)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)????????)I??????????????????????????????????-?????A??????????????????????????????????=???!???A??????((??((0