Solar Irrigation Pump
A solar irrigation pump system methods needs to take account of the fact that demand for irrigation system water will vary throughout the year . Peak demand during the irrigation system seasons is often more than twice the average demand . This means that solar pumps for irrigation are underutilized for most of the year . Attention should be paid to the system of irrigation water distribution and application to the crops . The irrigation pump system should minimize water losses , without imposing significant additional head on the irrigation pumping system and be of low cost .
Solar powered irrigation pumps are not only exclusive for irrigation purposes , in fact they have many wide spread uses such as :
• Pumping up water from a borehole into a water tank
• Feeding water into the pool
• City water supply
• Water treatment projects
• Landscaping
• The possibilities are limitless .
Question : Why solar powered pumps ?
Answer : Solar powered pumps don ’ t use diesel fuel , they rarely break down , and when they do they can be repaired easily . This system has very low operating costs compared to a diesel pump . Plus , they don ’ t create carbon emissions .
Question : Why use mirrors ?
Answer : The single biggest cost in the system is the solar panels . One panel can be several hundred dollars or more . A mirror is a few dollars and is widely available . By using a mirror to shine extra sunlight onto the panel we are increasing the energy output for a tiny fraction of what it would cost to buy another panel . Calculations show we can get the energy we need to run the pump with a set of these mirrors , saving thousands of dollars in the process .
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