Lakeville Area Arts Center Guide 2020-2021 | Page 18

Appeals Banking Bankruptcy Business Contracts Employment Estate Planning Family Law Litigation Personal Injury Probate Real Estate ACTIVE ADULTS 50+ Keep in Shape Make Friends Learn Have Fun! FACILITY RENTALS Special Occasions Presentations Meetings Large & Small Rooms Apple Valley | | 952-432-3136 What steps are you taking to prepare for your FINANCIAL FUTURE? Stop by for a tour! 20110 Holyoke 952-985-4620 Surgical • Preventive Medical • Dental Birds and Exotics Welcome Pamela Heimdal Certified Financial Planner TM, practitioner Enrolled Agent 952-469-1428 8353 210th Street West Lakeville, MN 55044 Securities offered through Registered Representatives of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a brokerdealemember FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Cambridge and HeimdalTax and Financial Services are not affiliated. 18 Dr. Paula Schanck • Dr. Katherine Belisle Dr. Erin Wrecza • Dr. Kimberly Lentz Dr. Lucy Hancock 952-892-7970 17445 Kenrick Avenue, Lakeville (Just Off I-35 & Hwy. 50)