Sydney Jenae Shelton
Ashley Megan Huynh
Vice President
EveAnn Twumwah Efa
Callie Tran Pham
Amarie Isabelle Marin
Dierra House Brandie Parker
Class Sponsors
Lakeview Centennial High School Administration
Elise Mosty
Toshma Carter Mark Freeman Kelli Harmon Marquis McClean
Assistant Principals
Cristina Wilson
Lead Counselor
Chelsea Atwell Mark Ballard Trelica Dotie Steffanie James Sonya Paul Shamoya Pope
Ivan Luna Christopher McMillan
Magnet Advisors
Honored Guests
Liliana Marquez
Principal Carver Elementary School
Randy King
Principal Classical Center at Brandenburg Middle School
Dao Huynh
Teacher of the Year
Johanna Powers
Paraprofessional of the Year
Alma Mater
All hail Lakeview High School Our hat ' s off to you We ' ll ever be loyal to the gold and blue To thee belong our love and praise All of our high school days .
Mission Statement Preparing students for tomorrow , inspiring them today .
Honor and Service Organization Regalia
Red / White / Blue Braided Shoulder Cord ............................ Academic Decathlon Purple / White Cord ...................................................................... Athena ' s Legacy Green Cord ................................................................................... Athletic Trainer Light Blue Cord ............................................................................................ AVID White Cord ....................................................................................... Class Officer Teal Cord ............................. Classical Center ( Piano , Latin , Gymnastics , Dance ) Gold Medal / Gray Ribbon ..................... College , Career , and Military Readiness Gold / Cream Cord ..... College , Career , and Military Readiness Outcomes Bonus Black Robe with Blue Stole .................................................... Collegiate Academy Light Blue Cord ............................................................... Dallas County Promise Blue / White Cord ........................................................................................ DECA Red / White / Blue Cord ....................................................................... Eagle Scout Pink Cord ....... Fine Arts ( Band , Cheer , Choir , Drill Team , Theater Arts , Visual Arts ) Blue Cord ..................................................................... Future Teacher Internship Teal / White Cord .......................... Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center Green / Gold Cord ............................................................. Girl Scout Gold Award Gold Stole ................................................................................... Honor Graduate Navy Blue Cord .......................................................................................... HOSA Royal Blue / Gold Cord ........................................ International Thespian Society Purple / Gold Cord ............................................................................ Latin Honors Purple Cord ................................................................... Law and Criminal Justice Serapé Stole ................................................................ Mexican-American Studies White Stole or Medal ....................................................... National Honor Society Red Stole ............................................................ National Spanish Honor Society Gray Cord ....................................................... National Technical Honor Society Black Robe with White Stole .................................................................. P-TECH Blue / Gold Cord ................................. Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society Brown Cord .............................................................................. School of Business Silver Stole .................................................................................. Seal of Biliteracy Pink / Blue Cord ............................................................................ Student Council Gold Cord ........................................................................... Television Production
The students wearing white robes are the top students of Lakeview Centennial High School ' s Class of 2025 .
Nicole Irene Avalos Vanessa Flores Kyle Alexandra Bulaong Raylene Adelina Martinez Dakota Devyn Dorough Mason Minh Nguyen
Ailin Leslie Ramirez Jamie Naed Ramirez Ramos Angel Rafael Rico Palomares