Lake Anita Louise Lake Anita Louise is located in Pinehurst Village . This lake does not have a beach but does have a dock from which Members can try their hand at catching some of the small and large-mouth bass , crappie , and bluegill that live in the lake .
Lake Marion Lake Marion is located along Eaglehead Drive heading toward Woodridge Village . This lake does not have a beach or a dock , but there is a trail that circles a portion of the shoreline and allows for fishing .
Please be advised all recreational activity is “ at your own risk ”. The Association actively discourages unsafe behavior , including ice skating on the lake , and jumping into the lake from the bridge , esplanade , beach docks , and cliffs . The esplanade is a walking path and trail connector ; for your safety and that of others , please do not loiter or hang-out . Please be mindful of the content and volume of any music played in common areas ; vulgar and loud music will not be tolerated , and you may be asked to leave . Finally , underage drinking is illegal and will continue to be reported to the Frederick County Sheriff ’ s office .
Members should never lend membership cards to guests , relatives , etc . The cards ( physical or digital ) must be available while at community amenities and on common properties . Due to many trespassers who try to use the amenities , Members must have their ID cards with them while at common areas and community amenities . Doing so allows Members to confirm membership to Amenity Patrol , when asked .
Proof of Residency You must be able to verify you live in Lake Linganore to be considered a Member and receive membership materials . Owners must provide proof of residency or dependency for any Members they are registering to their account . This is usually in the form of a settlement sheet , Deed , Birth Certificate , and / or school record indicating the students address within Lake Linganore Association .
Member ID Card Issuance Member ID cards are digital , but a physical ID card can be ordered for $ 10 ( all previous physical ID cards were grandfathered into the new system and remain valid ). Please contact Member Services at 301-831-6400 , ext . 118 , or memberservices @ lakelinganore . org , with any questions .
Membership rights default to the Lake Linganore deeded property owner and their dependents . Tenant membership rights may only be granted to the tenant by the Deeded owner . A property owner who wishes to relinquish membership rights to the tenant may do so through their online membership account . A copy of the completed lease agreement must be provided to the Association , regardless of membership rights , so the tenant can receive parking permits . Please note , these parking permits will not grant the ability to park at Association amenities ( i . e ., beaches , parks , tot lots , etc .) unless the owner grants membership rights to the tenant .
Photo by Charity Acacio
Motorcycles do not receive a permit ; however , they must be registered to your Member Account .
20 Special Edition 2022-2023