LakeTalk September 2023 | Page 10

Advertise in the Community print

LakeTalk is the monthly publication of the Lake Linganore Association . LakeTalk was started in February 1996 as a way for the Lake Linganore Association ( LLA ) Board of Directors to communicate prominent issues to the Membership .
Every month LakeTalk is emailed to over 2,500 households in Lake Linganore . Residents with an email address on file with the Association receive LakeTalk on the 1st of every month .
LakeTalk ’ s mission encompasses educating homeowners on issues related to operations , rules enforcement , and infrastructure-oriented activities . The publication also features human interest pieces , lifestyle articles , and LLA events .


Business Directory
This simple “ one-and-done ” advertising option is an excellent value for small business owners looking to stretch their marketing dollars . This hassle-free advertising option offers just one standard format--fostering an even playing field for local service providers . Plus , any edits to the information provided in the directory is free ( i . e ., new website , email update , etc .).

event sponsorships

The Association hosts events and activities throughout the year for Membership and their guests . LLA offers many sponsorship opportunities for businesses of all sizes to take advantage of this creative advertising venture .

reach out to us

301-831-6400 x 115 communications @ lakelinganore . org
301-831-6400 x 120 events @ lakelinganore . org
10 Special Edition 2022-2023