Lakeside Village March 2018 | 页面 5

Notices NOTICE: Please ensure your contact details and email addresses are up to date at the office Invasive plants Look out for Indian shot (Canna indica) also called unomatananga in isiXhosa. This invasive alien plant (Cate- gory 1b) can be seen invading streambanks and road sides. Indian shot has red, yellow or orange flowers, which usually flower all year round. Indian shot (Canna indica) origi- nates from tropical America, has become problematic in KwaZu- lu-Natal, Eastern and Western Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Gauteng. Lakeside Village gardens Our beautiful office gardens have received many a compliment this year. The zinnias have given us a great show! Thank you to Thomas and Moses from Garden Care Services. You guys do a GREAT job! 5