Lakeside Village June 2018 | Page 14


Rand Aid News

Thornhill Manor elections
Voting for a new Thornhill Manor Village Committee takes place every two years if there are more candidates than needed to fill the nine available places . This year , 12 folk indicated their interest in serving on the committee so an election needed to take place .
There was much interest , discussion and speculation in the village in the weeks leading up to voting day Almost 200 votes were cast by residents and the nine successful candidates were :
• Patrick Ayling
• Jenny Brownson
• Enid Dixon
• Jaap Mol
• Evelyn Neuhaus
• Keith Perrow
• Alan Rae
• Luiza Tsakos
• Robbie Webster
Thornhill Manor Complex Manager Esmé Erasmus was delighted with the amount of interest shown in the procedure and remarked that it was good to see some newer ( read younger ) residents taking an interest in Manor affairs and being prepared to take on some of the responsibility of guiding it through the next two years . “ It is always good to have some new blood bringing a different perspective to a Committee ,” she said . “ But , on the other hand , having six previous committee members is also good
Jackie Scott and Esmé Erasmus open the ballot box prior to counting .
as they lend continuity to the proceedings . I ’ m sure they will work well together to ensure that Thornhill Manor continues to live up to its reputation of being the warm and loving place to spend one ’ s later years .”
Details of the new committee members ’ portfolios will be released after their first committee meeting , along with the photograph .
For more information about Thornhill Manor or a private chat , Visit Rand Aid ’ s web page at www . randaid . co . za or call Jackie or Esmé on 011-608-2480 .