Lakeside Village December 2017 | Page 7

7 • Tree replacement. Nevada have indicated that they will be planting over 260 trees in the area as a replacement for tress that have come down or that are planned to still come down. • Go Ape. The land belongs to Nevada, but Go Ape has apparently just extended their lease and will continue to be part of Modderfontein for the next few years. They will get a proper office and toilets as part of their lease agreement. • Parking. We have asked questions about parking for Go Ape, the church and taxis. Some of parking areas are already planned but some of the parking plans are linked to what happens to Valley Road when the new road along the shop- ping centre is opened. M&T (the company who bought property from Zendai) are looking at how they develop land in Modder- fontein and we will monitor those plans as they progress. They are looking at the historic value of some of the buildings in the High Street area and there is a study underway to understand their value. We are still waiting for more information and will keep you informed as we progress. The MCWG aims to be a voice for the two estates as development pro- gresses, but we also urge residents to get involved and register as interest- ed and affected parties where they can as development start to happen. By registering you can stay informed and provide your views or objec- tions. We can’t stop progress but we can give input and ask questions along the way. Lunchbox with Glamour more than a product... it’s a life style!! Being a Smartlunch Lover is having a healthier lifestyle, being environmentally friendly and full of glamour. Designed and made in Portugal Easy to clean Thermal lunchboxes Leak proof lunchboxes available Swiss brands of bottles also available [email protected] • 082 378 2000