Lake Superior Bridal Magazine 2016 2016 Lake Superior Bridal Magazine | Página 3

table of contents Lake Superior Bridal Magazine 5 CHOOSING YOUR WEDDING OFFICIATE 7 DO YOU NEED SECURITY AT YOUR EVENT 8 SPECIAL FEATURE: HOLLAR WEDDING 10 DON’T FORGET THE GROOM 13 WHAT MAKES A WEDDING DANCE UNIQUE? 16 LET THE PLANNING BEGIN 20 INVITATIONS 101 23 PRE-WEDDING BEAUTY TIPS 26 WEDDING TRENDS FOR 2016 28 SPECIAL FEATURE: HOLCECK WEDDING 30 WEDDING DIRECTORY { mark your calendar Publisher-Editor: Graphic Design: Contributors: COVER PHOTO BY: ANDREW SAMPLAWSKI PHOTOGRAPHY duluth wedding show January 14th { 2017 unique as you are! Choose a location as Now open at Great Lakes Aquarium the Discovery Center Banquet Hall with sweeping harbor views. te memories on the ba y! Crea Contact Alexis today at (218) 740.2013 or [email protected] 3 Tracy A Lundeen Main Idea Creative Cathy Holman Leah Hulst Sheryl Jensen Kynze Lundeen Austan Lundeen Laurie Mattson The Colour Lounge Devyn Tostensen