Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility eNewsletter October 2017

The LSHCF CrusAIDEr Lake Stockton Healthcare Facility Serving Lake Stockton and the surrounding area since 1975 O CTOBER 2017 LA K E S TO CK TO N Mike Bliss, Comedian/Magician performed at LSHCF 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11 Mike wowed the audience with his professional talent and show- manship. He interacted with our crowd and put on a great perfor- mance combining comedy and magic. Mike is from Branson, Mo. H EA L TH C AR E F A CI LI T Y PO BOX 945 S TO CK TO N , M O 6 5 78 5 - 0 9 45 4 1 7- 2 7 6 -5 1 2 6 F AX 4 1 7 - 27 6 - 6 2 22 e-mail: cheryl.ahlers@ A DM I NIS TR A T I O N: K EV IN CO S TE L L O , A DM I NIS TR A TO R C AR R I E M EE KS , DIR E C TO R O F NUR S ING C ATR EN A M AR TIN , B US I NES S O F FI C E D EB R A S TO C KT O N, S O CI A L S ER V I C ES S UZ ANN E CO X, EN VIR O NM E NT AL S ER V I CES C HE LS I E H U DS O N, NU TR I TI O N AL S ER V I C ES C HER Y L A HL ER S , A CT I VI T Y DIR E C TO R R Y AN K EI T H, M AI NT EN AN C E Vietnam War Documentary Top left, Mike returns Betty Buchanan’s wrist watch, leaving her almost speechless! Top right, Pat Schulz tries her hand at magic and makes an egg reappear. Above, Mike matches Ralph Benham’s Rubix Cube pat- tern. Right, Jim Cox lends assistance and becomes a Super Hero, of sorts! The crowd laughed, cheered and gasped at the magical antics of Mike Bliss! CMH is one of four Ozarks Public Television (OPT) corporate sponsors of “The Vietnam War,” a new 10- part, 18-hour documentary film series directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. It will air on OPT starting Sept. 17. The film will tell the epic story of the Vi- etnam War as it has never before been told on film. Check your local listings for the broadcast schedule.